Featured Articles
Playing in Comps
I've been playing comps at my local club for a little over 2 years now. Initially I didn't really buy into the comp vibe and only decided to enter because it was the only way to guarantee a reasonable tee time on a Saturday. In other words, I got fed up following the last comp pairing/3 ball just to get a round in, with the inevitable slow play that followed. So I signed up to play in comps, and I wan't phased by it. I'm competitive in other sports and I usually up my game when the pressure's … [Read More...]

Ways To Up Your Golf Game In 2017
We’re still at the beginning of 2017 and with most people still enduring cold weather your golf game may not be on your radar just yet. But if you happen to be passionate about the game, you should always be looking for ways to improve. Here are a few tips for how to do just that over the course of the next year. Watch The Professionals Year in and year out, one of the best ways to improve your golf game is to keep an eye on the pros. They’re the best in the world at what they do, so you’d … [Read More...]
Breaking 80
So I've been playing for a little over 3 years now and I've probably played over 400 rounds of golf and hit over 200,000 balls on the range. I get that that's extreme. My worst completely recorded round ever was 171 at Windermere golf club. Recently I've been playing close to my 19.2 handicap having started at 18.0 and slowly found my level. But something strange happened yesterday. I'll preface this by saying that I played at my local course which was all on winter greens, so the … [Read More...]
Breaking 90
I'm pleased to say that I continue to make progress, generally hitting in the low nineties. Last Friday I had my best round ever when I went round in 42/42 for 84. That's 6 under my current 19 handicap. On Sunday I played a 4BBB Stapleford open with my mate Gez and we turned in a respectable score of 42, five points off the winning score. So on a good day I can hit 84, and on a bad day I can hit 104. That's about my range. So how have I made these improvements? I play 3-4 times a week … [Read More...]
Golf Equipment

Tour Edge Geomax 2 Bazooka Driver Review
The review is further down the page if you want to just skip to it. What follows are the reasons why I bought the driver. It's been driving me mad ... Trying to get off the tee, with decent distance and accuracy As I've previously reported, I've tried using woods off the tee and done nothing but get myself into trouble ... So I reverted to leaving the woods out of the bag in order to try and get round safely with iron shots Which seemed like a sensible plan to me ... But not to … [Read More...]
MD Golf Clubs Review
As I've previously mentioned, the Mizuno irons that I've been using have a bit of a problem, so I've bought a new set of MD Golf Superstrong ST2 Irons 5 -PW That's 5,6,7,8and 9 irons, a pitching wedge and a sand wedge in case like me you're just becoming familiar with golfing terms. Why did I choose that particular set? I didn't, the Pro who's been giving me lessons recommended them to me, and the price was good, so I took his advice Here's what the manufacturers blurb says: "The MD … [Read More...]
Golf Tips
Golf Lessons
I'm a relative expert, on golf lessons ... Firstly, everyone I've ever played with who's better than me has offered me advice And I'm thankful for it Second, after today, the number of professionals that I've taken lessons from totals three, so I think I'm now qualified to make an assessment on them And me ... Firstly, lessons from Paul Stoller, the professional at Ulverston Golf … [Read More...]
It Don’t Mean a Thing if you Ain’t got that Swing
Time for an update on my progress. I've played maybe a dozen rounds in total at Windermere, Grange over Sands and Ulverston and I tend to card in the 121 to 127 range, so consistantly poor. Occasionally I'll par a hole and/or have a run of maybe 3 to 5 holes where I'm around 2 over par or so, then inevitably lose 2 off the tee at the next and duff my way to an 11 ... Or worse. And I'd … [Read More...]